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99银河官方网站:Announcement of 3rd International Workshop on Spintronic Memory and Logic

TIME:2018-10-11   BROWSE:

With the end of Moore’s law in sight, the semiconductor industry has been in a ‘the King is dying’ phase owing to the power issue, with many emerging technologies looking to fill the ensuing power vacuum. Spintronics is one such technology and shows great potential in the post-Moore era. Since the discovery of Giant Magneto-Resistance (GMR)effect in 1988, spintronics has achieved a rapid progress and has resulted a significant impact on human lives in the last 30 years. After the first commercialization of spintronics on the read heads of hard-disk-drivers, recent advance has expanded this technology to the whole microelectronics community in terms of sensors, memories, oscillators and processors, as well as to the computer architecture community. A well-known example is the nonvolatile magnetic random access memory (MRAM), along with various prototypes. Samsung, Globalfoundries, TSMC have announced to start eSTT-MRAM production in 2018.

Hosted by:School of Microelectronics in Beihang University

Date: October 16th-October 20th

Workshop Venue:New main Building Conference Center of Beihang University

Registration: October 16th

Registration Venue:Vision Hotel

Contact us:

You Wang:youwang@buaa.edu.cn

Kun Zhang:zhang_kun@buaa.edu.cn

Guodong Wei:jellwei@buaa.edu.cn

Copyright © 2018 Beihang University microelectronics college. All rights reserved. Address: No. 37 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China, 100083.
